FANUC: Installation and setup
Installation guide for the robobrain® interface.
Last updated
Installation guide for the robobrain® interface.
Last updated
The robobrain® interface is compatible with the FANUC controller R-30iB Mini plus (V9.40) per default.
Please contact the robominds support, if you need the compatibility with another controller type.
The software module R648 "User Socket Msg" must be installed. This module is for socket communication.
To verify if the module is installed go to MENU > STATUS > Version ID > ORDER FI on your Fanuc-TP.
The camera should be mounted on the robot flange. Therefore the two different variants of flange plates that are delivered with the robobrain® system can be used.
The network setup requires an ethernet connection (direct or via a switch) between Port 1 or Port 2 of the FANUC controller and the robobrain®.
After the hardware setup is complete, there are only 2 steps missing:
The necessary files for the communication interface are provided on a USB-stick with the robobrain® and in the Downloads section.